The party planning is in full swing! I'm planning the launch party for Émoi, a new music company. I am planning the event, as well as curating the next Ntropic Art Exhibit around the theme of "émoi".
The party itself is a big production. I've hired Crêperie Saint Germain to serve made-to-order sweet and savory crêpes, we've chosen some nice french wines to complement the food and the theme. Entertainment throughout the night by singer/songwriter Travis Vick. With the highlight of the evening being the live performance by Aaron Robinson, the man behind Émoi, accompanied by Marie Brice, the LA Philharmonic's first violinist!
The Art Exhibit opening will be rolled into the same event as each artist has been chosen to represent a different facet of feeling of émoi. I'm very excited to show these artists, some of them I've been following for years, one or two are friends, but they are all talented amazing artists. Here's the line-up:
Brooks Salzwedel - Joe Kowalcyzk - Kelsey Schnack - Clare Szydlowski - Nick Santoro
A big thanks to Kimberley at Johansson Projects in Oakland for lending me Brooks Salzwedel's work for this! Its beautiful, and will look amazing in this show. Here's a sneak peek at one of the pieces:
The Fourth, 2012, graphite, tape, charcoal, resin on mylar on panel, 25.5 x 37.5 in framed