
Is Now a Good Time to Sell?

Here in the Portland, OR area, we are still very much in a seller's market. Now, most people think they should wait to list their home in spring and summer, and while there are benefits to this, there are also good things about listing your home in the fall and winter! 

1. Less Competition - Less people list their homes in the winter, so there are less out there for buyers to choose from. Instead of going to see 15 houses, they may only tour 4 or 5 before making a decision. That's better odds for you!
2. More Serious Buyers - With the low inventory this year, many summer buyers are still looking for the right home. While there may be less buyers out at open houses, etc, you can bet the more serious ones are! In especially hot areas, buyers who lost out on another home during a bidding war may also be more likely to jump at the chance to buy something right away that fits their criteria.
3. Less Hassle - Buyers moving in in the winter are likely to be more serious because they HAVE to move. They're sold their own home, they are relocating for work, etc.. They are also likely to want to wrap things up before the end of the year holidays and traveling, which means they may be less likely to want to negotiate the small stuff, in favor of a quicker and smoother transaction.